What was the Russian Sleep Experiment? Is it real?
The Russian Sleep Experiment
The Russians decided to conduct, this experiment on 5 prisoners. Those 5 prisoners are those, who were arrested in world war 2. They 5 were locked in an isolated chamber. A gas stimulant was sent into that chamber. The gas stimulent will provide them with energy, to remain awake continuously for around 30 days. They were said they will be released from jail, if they control their sleep for 30 days. They were provided with required food, books, water supply and and a toilet. They were also provided with a microphone. And the chamber was provided with a during any emergency situations, small hole, to see what’s happening inside. So, these 5 prisoners were inhaling the gas stimulant and remain awake.
Effects of the experiment
In the first 5 days, their life goes in a normal way. They stopped talking between themselves 9th day. Afterthat one of the prisoners, was shouting loud and running inside the chamber.